February 26, 2007

Trail Advocacy Regarding Tour de Front Range 2007

Trails on the Front Range haven't melted and already my mind has been focused on the annual Tour de Front Range. A bike ride that in years past has signified the end of the riding season (at least for me).

I got to thinking about how we have been able to connect really great trails together for this event. Trails such as: White Ranch, Chimney, Apex, Matthews Winters, Green Mountain, Mount Falcon, Lair 'o The Bear, and others in between.

All of these trails are available to the lucky riders on the Front Range all year. It got me wondering if there was any way to give a little back to these trails that challenge us during the TdFR?

These trails are part of Jefferson County Parks and I'm not sure the best way to handle this idea. Is a monetary donation the way to go? How about trail work?

If a monetary donation, does that mean there needs to be a entry fee or do we do it as a optional donation at the trailhead. How about corporate matching? Would there be a company out there that would be interested in helping the trails in the name of mountain biking by matching any donations that the TdFR raises?

If it is trail work, would the County Parks even want our help. There are full time employees that maintain these parks. I'll be the honest and say that I truly don't know the best way to organize a trail work day that the county would approve of.

My head is full of questions and right now I don't have any answers. However, I do believe I'm thinking about this early enough in the season to be able to have answers by the time the TdFR 2007 hits the trails in September.

Do you have any ideas on how to give back to the trails? If so, I'd love to hear about them!

More Info (2006) TdFR:
TdFR Course Analysis (1 of 3)
TdFR Course Analysis (2 of 3)
TdFR Course Analysis (3 of 3)

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~Margaret Thatcher