October 2, 2012


Today I returned from a trip to San Francisco.  I was there attending a Jenkins User conference.  I learned a lot of great things and validated some of my thought processes around other things.  That being said, I brought one thing away from the conference.  “Participate.” 

For years I have been too intimidated to participate.  However, the one thing I realized by being at the user conference is that when it comes to continuous integration there is no “silver bullet.”  All these projects are out there getting it done and doing it the best way they know how.   My company is among those laying a path of continuous integration.  We also have our eyes on  the horizon as we navigate our way to continuous deployment. 

It is time I participated in the community.  We are a unique company that allows a lot of learning to happen within the realm of business.  For that reason, I think it is time to share some of our learning with the community.

I need to figure out the details of course.  How much I can share and not cross the line with my company?  I'm not totally sure. The details will work themselves out, but this is as good place to start.

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