June 3, 2008

Stoned for 20 years...

I found this article interesting and couldn't help but laugh at the study.

Apparently a study has been done in regards to long term, heavy use of marijuana. "Long term" identified as an average of 20 years among 15 participants and "heavy use" being at least five marijuana cigarettes a day.

It was stated in the article that given these conditions a user "may" be shrinking two parts of their brain; the hippocampus (memory and emotion) and the amygdala (fear and aggression).

After reading this article I had to laugh. The subjects of this study have been stoned for the past 20 years. I think they have lot more to worry about than forgetting a phone number or losing their competitive edge. I'm thinking; what the hell kind of job do they have where they are able to be stoned? Secondly, who in the hell smokes that much in a day?

If the worst thing that can happen after 20 years of heavy smoking is a possibility that you "may" forget a few things and become less aggressive, it doesn't seem like it strengthened the argument to keep marijuana use illegal.

You can read the article here:
Heavy marijuana use shrinks brain parts: study

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