February 19, 2007

Tongue Twisted? Dr Seuss Can Cure That!

I've never been an out spoken individual and as a result, my tongue has gotten a bit lazy. With a lazy tongue I feel a bit self-conscious about my speaking, so I don't speak as much, which then causes my tongue to get lazier. Get the picture? It's a vicious circle.

Recently, I started reading a book to my son that my wife bought for him called, "Oh say can you say?" A Dr. Seuss book that is 48 pages of tongue twisters. As I read the book out loud to my son, I started tripping over every other word. It was frustrating, but it became a fun challenge for my lazy tongue!

I've been reading the book - out loud - for about a week. In that week I've noticed an incredible difference. My tongue is starting to listening to my head and say exactly what I want it to. This makes the story more enjoyable for my son and is allowing me to break that vicious circle.

I know the book is geared towards young children, but it also acts as a great reminder to me as an adult. As an adult I cannot expect to move forward until I have learned the basics. In my case, I can not work towards being a well spoken individual at work or in meetings until I revisit, and in some cases relearn, the basics. As I become fore comfortable and confident in my speaking, I will reflect that comfort and confidence in the work space around me.

Baby Steps...

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