August 5, 2008

Crocs-Hating Closet: I'm Coming Out!

If you have spent any time with me talking about fashion, and lets face it, non of my guy friends have, you would know my deep hatred for the eyesore of a shoe called Crocs. Up to this point the only person who knew of my hatred for the shoe is my wife. Today she sent me a link to an article titled "Make. It. Stop." written by Steve Tuttle at Newsweek.

Reading Steve's rant about Crocs was pure joy. It rang so true to my soul that I was willing to come out of my Crocs-hating closet and tell the world,"Although I have little to no fashion sense, I still have enough sense to never wear Crocs!"

In the article Steve Tuttle sums it up wonderfully with the following quote:
"If you think about it, the Crocs company should really be admired. P. T. Barnum would be proud. They've managed to separate money from the wallets of millions and millions of seemingly sane people who wake up, look in the closet, and actually decide: 'Today I'll leave the house wearing these neon-green Dutch bubble shoes with Swiss-cheese holes in them. Maybe I'll even buy some little plastic strawberries or bananas and jam them in the sweat holes, just to jazz things up and make the bacteria incubate faster.' That's fine. I say do whatever you want in the privacy of your own home. Let your Crocs freak flag fly. But don't make the rest of us watch."

So having read the article my advice to you is:

1) If you hate Crocs as much as I do, read the article. It is like Steve read your mind and wrote it down for you.

2) If you love Crocs, but owned stock and now have a reason to hate Crocs since their stock value tanked, you should read the article. It won't help, but it will make you laugh at yourself.

3) If you love Crocs, didn't own stock, and have been lucky enough to not yet get your Croc shoe stuck in an escalator, you should read this article. You'll come around eventually...

You can read the article at

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