January 27, 2008

Great Day... Broken Toe And All

I wasn't planning on riding today. I heard on the Saturday evening news that the weather was suppose to be pretty nice but windy.

I had dealt with enough wind on Saturday and figured Sunday would be a good day to do nothing.

That plan changed after I woke up this morning and the thermometer read 60 degrees with no signs of wind.

I spent the morning playing with my son and as soon as he went down for a nap I ran down the stairs. Yes, I truly ran, which is most likely why my footing slipped. When I slipped my foot landed on the next landing in an awkward position and I heard a crack from one of my toes. At first I didn't think anything of it. I continued getting ready and jumped on my bike.

The ride was awesome! I always love the short ride the day after a long ride. My legs felt great and without the wind to fight I was able to get a better reading of my cruising speed. It isn't fast, but a hell of a lot faster than it was yesterday.

I felt some discomfort in my shoe while I rode, but I figured I just popped a knuckle or something. It wasn't until I took the shoe off that I realized that it was indeed broken. Swollen with a redish, brownish, black kind of look. As I write this I look down and it isn't pretty. Whenever I walk somewhere I'm limping like I should be manning the bell towers of Notre Dame.

Let me give it one more check. Yeah, it's definitely broken... bummer.

Today's Ride:
Time: 1:18
Distance: 21.1
Elevation: 1,034'

Week Log:
Time: 7:55

Total Elevation:

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~Margaret Thatcher