February 3, 2008

Good Day To Watch Alien...

As I predicted yesterday; after a good night sleep I found my motivation to ride, though it would be on my trainer instead of outside in the cold.

I wanted a couple hours of riding so I opted to pop in a movie I'd never seen before. Yes, until today I had never seen the movie Alien.

To be perfectly honest, I was never really interested in seeing it. However, my boss is a big Sci-Fi buff and when the topic came up and he heard I'd never seen it; he brought his copy to the office to lend to me so I could watch it.

For the past three weeks it has been sitting next to my TV and I haven't found the time to watch it... until today.

I warmed up for about twenty minutes and then hit play on the DVD player. For the next hour and a half of riding I enjoyed the movie.

There is one thing that makes watching Sci-Fi movies difficult while riding my bike. There are several scenes where I couldn't hear what was going on. Let me try to explain...

1) This is an older movie and the sound quality on the DVD wasn't crystal clear.
2) The movie builds suspense by having characters talk softly.
3) The constant humming of my rear wheel on the trainer.
4) I'm frigg'n deaf... Not literally, but my hearing sucks.

*This doesn't seem to be isolated to this particular Sci-Fi movie. I've tried watching other Sci-Fi movies while riding and many scenes are very difficult to hear.

In any case, the movie wasn't bad. That said, I won't be asking to borrow the rest of the series. However, if he offers I won't turn him down. The suspense made the minutes on the trainer tick away pretty easy.

As far as the ride; it was good and I'm glad my cold ride yesterday didn't keep me from riding today.

Today's Ride:
Time: 2:00

Week Log:
Time: 6:21

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~Margaret Thatcher