January 31, 2007

My Analogy About Advertising

Spring time brings mixed emotions whenever I login to my TrailCentral inbox. This time of year is the time when a lot of companies are starting to spend their marketing dollar on website adverting. How do I know this? Easy, each year about this time I start to receive inquiries about advertising on TrailCentral.com. That is the exciting part.

Where do the mixed emotions come from? Well, if you've ever spent any time in Florida or Texas you have probably seen a cockroach. I once watched a documentary about these little bugs and I learned that for ever one that you see in the middle of the kitchen floor, there are one hundred more hiding in the walls.

I truly believe that the same is true when it comes to advertising. For every one person/company that goes out of their way to contact TrailCentral to get advertising, there are a hundred out there that would be interested if the website was actively being sold, which it isn't...

It may be a gross analogy, but I think it is true.

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~Margaret Thatcher